Lalique continues apace with seven more mascot model launches

In 1929 Lalique, in line with demand or perhaps a little behind it, created and launched a further 7 mascot models, namely "Perche" "Coq Houdan" "Epsom" "Longchamp" "Vitesse" "Pintade" "Sanglier". Breves London included "Perche" "Coq Houdan" "Vitesse" "Sanglier" in their sales literature but omitted "Epsom" "Longchamp" and "Pintade" though Epsom did appear in a later sales list entitled "Troy". There were two versions of Longchamp produced under the same 1152 catalogue number,  the 1152A version (or double-mane pictured below) quickly superseded by the 1152B version (or single-mane).